Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family

Kennedy Thorp Positive Spirit Award- June 2024

Kennedy Thorp was a student who attended School at Springfield from First Steps to Grade Four.  She passed away in the fall of 2014.  In the year's following, Kennedy's family, parent council and the school have presented a Kennedy Thorp Positive Spirit Award to a student from each grade level from 1-4.  One student that demonstrates the criteria below is nominated by the classroom teacher for each class.  These students receive a medal and certificate.  Grade level teachers then get together to put a name forward that will receive an individual plaque and get their names on the larger plaque outside the office.

Here is the criteria to consider when nominating your classroom and grade level:

-includes everyone

-encouraging to everyone

-enthusiastic and positive

-compassionate and tolerant

-accepting of everyone

The following is what the family wrote when asked what they thought this award should entail-

"Kennedy was an inspiration to everyone she met.  In the worst of times in her ongoing struggle she always had a huge smile especially when she heard her name!  She taught everyone she met in her own way a lot about themselves and how you should approach life.  All you had to do is ask "how are you doing Kennedy?" And if you looked deep into her eyes you would see the answer!  We can all learn from that!"

"Kennedy had a way of lighting up the room with her smile.  Her smile and giggle was infectious.  Kennedy was loved by everyone and touched everyone she met with her bright personality.  She always had a smile on her face even on her worst day.  In the most unpleasant circumstances she would be giggling and happy!  Kennedy loved music, school and her family.  She was brave, tough, sensitive, vibrant and big hearted."

Entrepreneur Day- May 2024

2024 Entrepreneur Day was another success. We had 64 vendors set up! Congratulations to all our little little Entrepreneurs on a job well done.

Entrepreneurship is what makes many people successful.  Just think about Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and many more.  Entrepreneur skills like critical thinking, taking responsibility for decisions and actions, good communication skills, perseverance and creativity can all be acquired at a very young age.  

Grad Walk- May 2024

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2024! Our staff and students are always excited to see our graduates walk the halls one last time. We are proud of how far you've come & best of luck in your future endeavors!

Wear Purple for Lupus Awareness- May 2024

Tim Horton's Camp Day- May 2024

Thank you to everyone that donated bottles towards our Tim Horton's Camp Day on May 24th. We raised $264.40 and enjoyed muffins courtesy of our local Tim Hortons.

Cereal Box Domino Run- May 2024

Our annual cereal box domino run was a huge success! Students have brought in 397 items. Thank you to everyone who has donated cereal for this food drive!

2024 Culture Parade!

To wrap up Alberta Francophonie month, Springfield held its second annual Culture Parade! Springfield students have been busy learning about what makes us unique, why it's so special and what culture means. Classes joined together in the gymnasium to celebrate the incredible diversity found within our school community with a colorful parade. What a beautiful display of cultures! Thanks again to all the teachers and parents/guardians who helped out with this event!

Francophonie month 2024

De délicieuses crêpes recouvertes de sirop d'érable, de crème fouettée et de fruits ont été partagées autour de l'école pour poursuivre les célébrations du mois de la Francophonie à Springfield ! Un immense merci à l'équipe d'immersion française et à nos parents bénévoles pour avoir rendu cela possible. Nous tenons également à remercier le French Language Resource Centre pour avoir financé un traitement aussi spécial. Bon appétit!

Delicious crêpes covered in maple syrup, whip cream and fruit were enjoyed around the school to continue Springfield's celebrations of Francophonie month! A huge thank you to the French Immersion team and our parent volunteers for making this happen. We would also like to thank the French Language Resource Centre for funding such a special treat. Bon appétit!

Numeracy Night Oct 26, 2023

Thank you to all our families that came to our Family Numeracy Night, October 26th. School staff hosted stations where approximately 85 students and families explored different aspects of numeracy, explore some games and activities they could do at home together.  Students left with some cards, dice and some game ideas!  And we can’t forget to say a huge thanks to Terri Bulldog for sharing her talents and supplying soup and bannock to help sustain those who attended.