Tre Stelle’s Cheese4Change program has returned…

Exciting News! After awarding more than $25,000 to Canadian schools and students last year, Tre Stelle’s Cheese4Change program has returned…and there’s even more money to reward this year.
Cheese4Change is a youth food program that awards cash for sustainable recipes and behavior's submitted by schools and students. According to one of last year’s school winners, “sustainability is something we’re already teaching, so creating a recipe video with the students was fun, relevant, and the easiest $5K we’ve ever made; and telling the kids they won was the best part!” Several of last year’s winners were also featured on TV shows, magazines and newspapers from coast-to-coast, generating positive news coverage for the schools, students and sustainability.
Cheese4Change submissions are now being accepted until Earth Day, April 22, 2023 with all winners announced on April 29, 2023. Winning schools will be awarded $5K and students $500 for their cheesy, sustainable recipes. Multiple winners in the same school are allowed, and the recipes do not need to be overly complex - in fact two of last year’s winners included a cheesy frittata and a pizza!
For more information and to enter, visit